
AIL License Agreement

There are no royalty fees, hidden charges, special costs, or usage stipulations attached to the
Advanced Imagery Library. You are, however, asked to abide by the following if you plan on using this code:
- If this code is being used at a software development company that the fee described below be paid for EACH developer that will use this code.
- If this code is being used by a home user or individual, the fee described below has only to be paid once, but I ask that you do NOT give this code away to others (in whole or in part) without them first paying the fee for it as well.
- Do NOT post this code on any internet site (either personal, private, or public)
- When you use it within your code, that you leave the header information at the the beginning of each module intact and unchanged. This way, credit is given where credit is due.
Here's how the license for the Advanced Imagery Library works:
- If you have 5 developers using AIL on 1 computer, you'll need to purchase 5 licenses
- If you have 1 developer using AIL on 5 computers, you'll need to purchase 5 licenses
- If you have 5 developers using AIL on 5 computers, you'll need to purchase 5 licenses
- If you have 1 developer who creates a server-side application that uses AIL, and you install it on 10 servers (each having two processors), you'll need to purchase 1 license (the license is for the developer and the computer(s) used to do the development... not the servers or clients the final software is installed on).
- You do not OWN the source code, the binaries, nor the documentation that comes packaged with the Advanced Imagery Library. You own the rights to use it. Feel free to make changes in order to best suit your needs, but the code (even though you modified it) still does not belong to you... though you have unlimited use of it.
Click here to view the full license text for the Advanced Imagery Library.
Click here to purchase the Advanced Imagery Library
